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  • Writer's pictureObiani Esu

Reprogramming sexual shame 2024

Updated: Sep 3

Notice the large cock of a HORSE chopped off on this statue, IN VEGAS.

It's 2024, and more poeple feel unsafe in their bodies that ever so result in the shaming and making small of the sexually liberated. Not honouring how diificult it is in this government pandemic era, to love and nurture self, Wholistically - Mind, Body, Soul, Energy, Finances.

To reflect in honesty and integrity so deeply, that we rest in peace, trusting our minds are strong to defy the gravitational pull bringing us to low frequeicies of thought daily. That we are steady, unshakable, rational, honest, and secure, to be free, and defy manipulation set to control us via fear.

To have faith in what has not yet occured, rather than choosing worry, and getting sucked into fear and doubt, aware that stress is the number 1 killer.

To move through life with a coat of awareness of the divine protection that fuels our paths and always comes through for us at the divinely appointed time, given we stay in faith as we progress.

To nurture our bodies with nutrient dense foods, so delicious they satiate our cravings. Especially that with probiotic gut health goodness like fermented foods!

To be obsessed with finding the healthiest substitutes for whatever craving that does not have inflammatory ingredients such as processed gluten, gums, seed oils, and sugar (unless its low glycemic like allulose - my fave, or coconut sugar, or agave.

To ensure we cultivate our physical health wiith breath, sound, and movemnt in various ways, DAILY. So much so, our foundation in strength and flexibility - mobility, is undeniable.

My favourite physical activities to rotate through are:

  • pilates

  • hot yoga - power, vinyasa, sculpt, yin

  • weight training

  • cardio - hiking, swimming, dancing

Build your apothecary and biohack like a crazy God-sent being honouring our superhuman evolution!!

My favourite ways to optimise are via:

  • herbal supplements to boost cognition, mood, and memory: 5-HTP, Phosphatidylyserine, bacopa moneiri, gotu kola, fish oil omega 3's 6's 9's, CoQ10, L-methylfolate

  • herbal/natural supplemnts to boost immunity: Goldenseal and Eccinacea, pau darco, elderberry, ginger, black seed oil, shilajit, sea moss, lysine, propolis, licorice root, multi-vitamins with k2-D3, A, E, zinc, Dimmak herbs

  • herbal/natural supplements to bost energy and vitality: Berberine, horny goats weed, maca, ginseng, B-complex, glutathione, guarana

so many more... and I 've trained myself to ake them all. 😤😂

have fun with exploring and training your superhuman body to retain the BEST!! (at first you may feel like throwing up after taking all the supplements, but breathe through it and train your body with faith, knowing that these superfoods with the most natural, quality ingredients you could find, are fuelling your body. You'll be able to move through it with more ease moving forward. You can also get a bunch of these in tinctures too!)

And my absolute favourite of them all - methylene blue - known to heal cancer, herpes, candida, HIV, hormonal imbalance, boost your cognition and vitality,

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